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贴吧:我是贝尔格里尔斯,曾服役于英国特种部队,我曾登上珠穆朗玛峰顶,也曾穿越冰冷刺骨的北冰洋。 我将向你展示怎样才能在地球上某些最极端最危险的地方求生,我要面对一个星期的挑战,在那种地方,如果没有适当的求生技能,你连一天也坚持不了。 今天我们来 到的地方叫贴吧,这里危机四伏,想在这里生存就要尝试寻找一种少有的动物。嘘 !快看哪,这里有一只落单的楼主。楼主 富含蛋白质,可以是牛肉的好几倍,这 种动物头脑简单,所以只要大叫一声他们 就会吓死。跟我来,我们来尝试捕抓他...嘿 !瞧,他吓的抽搐了!快快!好的,我们抓住他了!楼主在剧烈挣扎!快,掐死他! 没错就是这样。好的我们只要把楼主的头 和尾巴切掉,就可以生吃了!这个楼主油脂有点多,有些骚味。口感有点像鸡肉, 嘎嘣脆!(吃完了楼主野外求生家贝尔格里尔斯得到了一定的能量补充)贝尔:在 部落这样一个地方,你首先要找到水逼, 这种生物,营养可是楼主的三到四倍,因 为产量丰富,所以根本不用担心找不到, 看我楼上就有!我们现在要去捉捕他。快 ,上楼!(贝尔要去捕捉水逼,但是水逼 非常的勇猛。因为他们往往十分的有耐心 ,他们可能为了水帖而等上三天三夜)贝 尔:我们现在已经找到了水逼,这种生物 十分大胆,但没什么本事,所以我们只要 抓住他的尾巴就好了。


I am the belgae lille!! I have been to all over the world

As long as the head to get rid of it, other parts can be eat...

It contains rich protein...

This time still don't say, really feel a bit like the taste of chicken to eat

Describe the smell of skunk: the taste, taste like what are you eating a plate of beef, suddenly being away and coated with dogs' excrement

When cooking: I have already can't wait to eat it (s).

They say it tastes like peanut butter, but I don't want to spread the peanut butter on the bread what Hu Hu (the worm)

Look... That guy, I don't want to go to provoke it

This tastes just like your nose excrement gathered all her friends and put them into a sausage, then let you eat

As long as the bite off its head... Crunch... Bah, eliminate visceral, the rest can be eat... Yum yum... Let's continue to hit the road

It tastes just like put a few weeks of prawns. (where the rainforest eat what. Big locusts class.)

He protein is double that of beef, and fat but only half of the beef

This place makes people feel claustrophobic repressed

Although not much, but better than nothing.

(perked up or clean up after the road, in photography team) let's go.

He is very funny... I want to be a raft, look at those ivy, they are very strong

Oh, my god, it's not so good.

Do you know? Such a thing before I come back from not done ready to drink urine

I love sashimi... But I don't like bones

Less than than having, you don't try.

It was dark, another hour I had to take a refuge.

Here, the only need to make a simple overhand knot

This kind of thing that can save your life...

This is not what I have eaten the most delicious


我是贝尔格里尔斯,曾服役于英国特种部队,我曾登上珠穆朗玛峰顶,也曾穿越冰冷刺骨的北冰洋。 我 将向你展示怎样才能在地球上某些最极端最危险的地方求生,我要面对一个星期的挑战,在那种地方, 如果没有适当的求生技能,你连一天也坚持不了。 今天我们来 到的地方叫编辑部,这里危机四伏,想 在这里生存就要尝试寻找一种少有的动物。嘘 !快看哪,这里有一只落单的小编。小编 富含蛋白质, 可以是牛肉的好几倍,这 种动物头脑简单,所以只要大叫一声他们 就会吓死。跟我来,我们来尝试捕 抓他...嘿 !瞧,他吓的抽搐了!快快!好的,我们抓住他了!小编在剧烈挣扎!快,快,快掐死他! 架锅架锅,多放点水 不要放油!小编太肥了!艹!


I am Berg Reals! I have been to the world as long as its head removed, other parts can be eaten...... It contains rich protein...... This time really don't say, eat up feeling a bit like the taste of chicken to describe the skunk smell: it tastes, smells like you're eating a plate of beef, was suddenly taken away and painted with shit in the cooking time: I can't wait to eat it (them). They say it tastes like peanut butter, but I don't want to put the peanut butter on the bread (what Hu Hu Chong) look.... that guy, I don't want to provoke it tastes like you put all of your friends booger gathered, stuffed them into a sausage, then let you eat as long as bit its head... Was... Bah, remove the internal organs, the rest can eat... Yum yum..... We continue on the road. It tastes like put several weeks of prawns. (tropical rain forest there to eat what to. Locusts something bigger.) His protein is two times that of beef, and half the fat but only beef this place to let a person feel claustrophobic oppression is not much, but something is better than nothing. (pick up or rectification of road, photography team) we go. He's very funny... I want to be a felling, look at these vines, they are very strong Oh, my God, that's not good. You know? This kind of thing before I come back from not doing ready to drink pee I love sashimi... But I don't like fish. Not to cannot but, you don't try. Be an hour after dark, I have to take a shelter. Here, only need to make a simple overhand knot that can save your life...... This is not the best things I've ever tasted






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