我最喜欢的中国节日?——春节 毫无疑问,我相信提到传统节日很多人第一印象就是春节,春节的到来代表着新一年的开始。春节给很多人的印象尤为深刻,记忆中的小时候过年是有新衣服穿,有红包,一桌子都摆不下的菜,大街小巷都是鞭炮声,那么,我最喜欢的中国节日?一起来了解一下吧。
My favorite holiday is New Year, Chinese New Year we can eat dumplings and a lot of good things to eat, but alsoReceive lucky money, parents will accompany us to the amusement park, parks,We are very happy New Year everyone likes, and I also like the Spring Festival.